About the Green Resistance

“The method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we, the citizens of planet Earth, face catastrophic and interrelated crises brought about by our social, political, and economic systems, it is critical that we quickly develop organized forms of resistance and resilience that are up to the challenge.

In the United States, the apparent election of billionaire conman Donald Trump and his steadfast support of white supremacy and white nationalism, along with a long list of serious assaults on the basic underpinnings of our pseudo-democracy, has raised the specter of fascism in the richest and most powerful nation on Earth.

For these reasons, we are combining our hopes for a sustainable and just future with a fierce determination to stop fascism in its tracks. Not only is Not-Our-President-Elect toying with appointing the foxes to guard the henhouses, but he is telegraphing policy directions that will do nothing but speed up the human and ecological devastation that is already underway.

We must resist, and we must do so strategically, thoughtfully, and nonviolently. As Mario Savio says below, we must put our bodies on the gears, upon the levers, and upon the entire apparatus until we make it stop. We must do so recognizing that love is the most powerful force that we have at our disposal. It is mightier than the pen, and certainly mightier than the sword. That is what Green Resistance looks like.

And although many of us identify as Greens, we are a nonpartisan effort that is open to people of all political persuasions. We remain critical of the Green Party just as we are critical of all political parties, but especially those in power that have abrogated their duty to represent We, the People.

Are you with us? Join us on Facebook.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.